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Running is in Nike's DNA - a company born from an obsession with runners and their feet.


50+ years later, we were tasked with redefining Nike Running and getting the brand back to doing what it does best: understanding runners better than anyone else.


To reset Nike Running, we did what no other brand was prepared to do: we would tell runners the truth. 


This campaign, ‘Winning Isn’t Comfortable’,  is about the conflicting re

When the running industry was selling a fantasy of effortless movement. We chose a different path, radical honesty: Running isn't easy, and it never will be.


Running is hard. It's hard for everyone. But that discomfort doesn't mean you're doing it wrong – it means you're doing it right. If you're comfortable, you're not winning.


Each execution in our campaign speaks to the reality of running, focusing on a different discomfort and speaking to all the hate & love that comes with it.


“Stairs” was the fourth and final film in the Nike Run campaign. The spot aired the day after the Chicago marathon and celebrated marathon finishers with a story that only they would fully appreciate. — the all-too-real aches and pains of walking down the stairs after running 26.2 miles.


  • Nike got back its street cred as a running brand.
    82% who saw the campaign felt Nike was an authentic running brand -- winning over a quarter of the skeptics.


  • Post campaign the search for Nike products nearly doubled. 

       90% increase in search volume.


  • Organic film views blew through the benchmarks  
    850 million views globally, including more than 48 million organic views which beat Nike's Instagram benchmark
    by 90%.





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