How do you you launch a new branding and design studio from Wieden+Kennedy London, called NOT Wieden+Kennedy?
The answer: NOT just a logo…
In the creation of our visual identity, we birthed ‘The NOT Machine’. A type and image generator – built in-house, that allows anyone in the team, designer or not, to create the word ‘NOT’ out of any image or icon, and then to animate it.
It was so much fun that we decided to build a version of The NOT Machine to hand over to the world for free. This became our NOT W+K website – allowing anyone, anywhere, to use our custom illustrations and icons to spread joy, love and a healthy dose of stupidity across the internet.
The results?
40,000 visitors in the month from launch and 120,000 visitors since launch with an average dwell time of 1m 40s. The identity launch was heavily featured in the creative industry press, created multiple new business leads and several project wins.
The most important result? A lot of people had a lot of fun using it.